Tennessee follows the "fault" system for car accidents, so the driver who caused the accident is legally responsible for the costs of the crash. Normally, you would file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault driver. But what if you were in a hit-and-run crash, or the driver left the scene before you could get their insurance information?
Paying Medical Bills After a Hit-and-Run Motorcycle Crash
The first thing you need to do is go to the hospital to have your injuries assessed. It's perfectly fine to use your own health insurance to pay for emergency care, follow-up treatment, and physical therapy since these your insurance company can be reimbursed later if the negligent party is found.
You may also collect payment for your crash costs from:
- Your collision coverage. If the other driver isn't found, you may be able to make a claim on your own auto policy or motorcycle insurance policy. For example, collision coverage pays to repair or replace your bike if it was damaged in a rollover crash or collision with another object.
- Your own uninsured motorist coverage. Tennessee law counts a hit-and-run driver as an "uninsured motorist," so you can seek payment under the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage on your auto policy.
- A claim against another driver. The person who struck you may not have been the only person involved in the crash. In a multi-vehicle accident, there could be multiple drivers at fault—or you could have a case against the manufacturer or mechanic responsible for a defect on your bike. An experienced motorcycle crash attorney can determine all the liable parties in your case.
Hit-and-run injuries are often serious and can have life-altering consequences for victims and their families. If another vehicle left the accident scene after your crash, the legal team at GriffithLaw will use every available resource to get you the compensation you deserve—and you won't have to pay us anything until your case is won. Get in touch with us today using our online form, or give us a call to schedule a free case evaluation.
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