Although road construction is necessary to improve our roads, sometimes those working in construction zones and motorists passing by are actually at risk of being seriously injured or killed. Although workers on the side of the road are vulnerable next to bigger, heavier, and faster moving motor vehicles, the majority of work zone injuries and fatalities are suffered by those driving by and their passengers.
Work Zone Car Accident Statistics
According to the Federal Highway Administration, car accidents that take place in work zones have decreased. Although this news is encouraging, there are still too many work zone accidents that lead to injuries and fatalities. In 2010 (the last reported data), there were 514 fatal crashes in work zones that claimed the lives of 576 people. While this is a 13.6 percent decrease from 2009, the numbers indicate that a motor vehicle work zone fatality occurs every 15 hours—which is far too often.
Work Zone Crash Factors
Typically, construction zone motor vehicle fatalities occur on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and they generally happen between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. Although work zone injuries and fatalities can occur at any time of the year, they most often take place during the summer and fall when more road construction takes place due to nicer weather.
While there are many things that can contribute to car accidents in construction zones such as distracted, drowsy, and drunk driving and speeding, dangerous construction zones are actually to blame for many motor vehicle accidents due to the following factors:
- Missing cones or barriers
- Incorrect signs or no signs
- Lack of speed warning signs
- Poor lighting
When roadway work zones aren’t staged correctly, the road crew and their companies may be held liable for car accident injuries and fatalities. For example, construction roadway workers need to give drivers advanced warning, transition traffic safely, and provide a buffer space between traffic and the road crew. If there aren’t proper signs, message boards, cones, lights or arrows to warn motorists of a work zone, a construction work zone crash may be the result.
If you or a loved one is the victim of a dangerous work zone, you may be entitled to compensation for your car accident injury claim; however, the construction company may make you feel differently. Don’t delay contacting a personal injury attorney for a free consultation about your case and rights. We welcome your call. Our law office can be reached at 615-807-7900 or toll free at 877-959-8847.
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