frontal lobe brain injuryBrain injuries aren’t like broken bones or torn ligaments. Their effects can last months or years, or they may never fully heal—and they can cause personality changes that place a strain on victims and their families. If someone you know has experienced a traumatic brain injury to the frontal lobe, you should know that this type of injury may mean a long and difficult recovery.

Frontal Lobe Injuries May Cause Permanent Life Changes

Each of the different parts (or lobes) of the brain controls different functions of your body. The frontal lobe is responsible for processing language, numbers, emotion, coordination, and behavior. As a result, an injury to the front of the head can cause a wide variety of disruptions, preventing the victim from returning to the life they had before the accident.

Frontal lobe injuries have been known to cause problems with:

  • Concentration. A victim may be unable to focus during long activities, wander away during long conversations, or show other attention deficits.
  • Memory loss. Short-term memory is housed in the frontal lobe, so it may be hard for a victim to remember newly acquired information (such as the events of a recent gathering).
  • Communication. The frontal lobe helps people interpret language, and victims may have difficulty understanding what is being said or finding the right words to respond.
  • Mental agility. Victims may have difficulty problem-solving, multitasking, or switching between different thought processes. When combined with attention deficits, this may make them easily confused and lead to anger and frustration.
  • Sequencing. Organization and planning may be affected, causing an inability to make plans or complete multi-step activities or tasks in the correct order (such as taking a shower or cooking a meal).
  • Personality changes. Victims may suffer mood swings, sudden anger or isolation, or persist in following one behavior or way of thinking. They may also lack self-awareness and be unable to recognize the changes in their behavior as well as the problems they may cause.
  • Social behaviors. The inability to express emotions, loss of empathy, and lack of spontaneous facial expression can make social interactions more difficult. Victims may become impatient or intolerant of others, become excessively talkative, or make inappropriate comments or physical responses.
  • Sexual behaviors. A drastic increase or decrease in sexual interest and activity is common after a frontal lobe injury.
  • Lost inhibitions. A brain injury can impair a person’s judgment or reasoning, causing increased impulsive or risky behavior or episodes of mania.
  • Motivation. Victims may stop initiating activities or interactions they used to enjoy or withdraw from seeking out rewards, pleasure, or happiness.
  • Depression. Many victims experience sleep disorders (insomnia or lethargy), a sudden inability to sit still, and emotional disturbances along with the physical effects of their injuries. Some even attempt to cope with their condition or lessen their symptoms with alcohol or illegal substances.
  • Voluntary movements. Victims may have coordination or balance problems that make it difficult to control their bodily movements. They may suffer twitches, tics, or spasms in the face, arms, legs, or the whole body.

A frontal lobe injury will likely result in ongoing medical treatment to help the victim minimize or cope with the effects. Headaches or seizures may require frequent MRIs or scans to monitor brain activity and pressure inside the skull. A neuropsychologist may perform personality and mental processing evaluations to determine which skills require relearning. Throughout all this, the patient may need physical and psychological therapists to come to terms with their injury.

You Will Need Legal Assistance to Get the Compensation You Deserve

Depending on the extent of the damage, victims may be unlikely to earn a living after a head injury—and those who can perform some level of work will usually suffer a reduced earning capacity. The right personal injury attorney can help you collect payment for your economic damages as well as pain and suffering for permanent disability. Contact GriffithLaw today through our online form or give us a call at (615) 807-7900.