The personal injury attorneys at GriffithLaw take pride in helping clients and their families get the fair compensation they deserve after they’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence.
While prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes for other clients or cases, our law firm’s past verdicts and settlements provide an example of our experience and history handling personal injury cases.
Learn more about some of the verdicts and awards we’ve won on behalf of our clients.
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$350,000 Settlement after Car Wreck$350,000
$300,000 Settlement for Slip and Fall Injuries$300,000
$250,000 Settlement for Police Officer Hit on Motorcycle$250,000
$250,000 Settlement For Client Rear-Ended by Dump Truck$250,000
Verdict of $240,000.00 in Davidson County, Tennessee. Defendant blamed our client for the wreck. Last offer before trial was $23,900.00$240,000.00
$230,000 Settlement For Client Attacked By Neighbor’s Pit Bull$230,000
$187,500 for Couple Attacked by Dog with Multiple Bite History$187,500
$169,909.52 Jury Verdict for Dog Bite Injuries$169,909.52
$165,000 Settlement for Injured Worker$165,000
$157,000 Settlement after Workplace Injury$157,000
Verdict of $145,000.00 in Williamson County, Tennessee. Last offer before trial was $57,004.14$145,000.00
$143,152.71 Jury Verdict for Injured Motorist$143,152.71